Top 10 Best TV / Web Series
These Series are one of the best series of the world... With at least 3-4 seasons on Board
These all series are based on Unique Concepts which will definately go down in your minds..
The Rankings of this List are Based on Rating From IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes and Peoples preferences...
Sit Down and Read the List😀😀
10.The Walking Dead
A group of survivors led by police officer Rick Grimes travel in search of a safe and secure home after a zombie apocalypse spreads across the USA.
The more you Watch this series The more you will be connected with it.Its Last two seasons are not that good That's why its rating has been Decreased and it belongs to number 10...But it contains many Wow moments so its good for binge Watching
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 81%
Average Score -: 81.5 / 100
9.The Big Bang Theory
The lives of four socially awkward friends, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj, take a wild turn when they meet the beautiful and free-spirited Penny.
The Big Bang Theory leaves behind a much greater legacy.Big Bang Theory managed to fit people we know and love into its universe and create fictional versions of them which worked in-show and in real life.Its One of the Best Sitcoms of all times.
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 82%
Average Score -: 82 / 100
Dr. Watson, a former army doctor, finds himself sharing a flat with Sherlock Holmes, an eccentric individual with a knack for solving crimes. Together, they take on the most unusual cases
If for some reason you have not been fortunate or wise enough to have watched the BBC’s “Sherlock” series, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, do binge it. It's one of the best...The reason it belongs down in list is because of Rotten tomatoes's episodes are so lengthy.
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 78%
Average Score -: 86 / 100
7.Money Heist
A criminal mastermind who goes by "The Professor" has a plan to pull off the biggest heist in recorded history -- to print billions of euros in the Royal Mint of Spain. To help him carry out the ambitious plan, he recruits eight people with certain abilities and who have nothing to lose.
The group of thieves take hostages to aid in their negotiations with the authorities, who strategize to come up with a way to capture The Professor. As more time elapses, the robbers prepare for a showdown with the police
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 90%
Average Score -: 87.5 / 100
Netflix chronicles the rise of the cocaine trade in Colombia and the gripping real-life stories of drug kingpins of the late '80s in this raw, gritty original series
Also detailed are the actions taken by law enforcement as they battle in the war on drugs, targeting notorious and powerful figures that include drug lord Pablo Escobar.
As efforts are made to control cocaine, one of the world's most valuable commodities, the many entities involved -- legal, political, police, military and civilian -- find themselves in conflict.
Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine.
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 89%
Average Score -: 88.5 / 100
5.Peaky Blinders
A dangerous Tommy Shelby leads Peaky Blinders, a criminal gang based in Birmingham in 1919. Chief Inspector Chester Campbell decides to nab him and put an end to the activities of this gang

Peaky Blinders is something you watch sitting up as opposed to lying down. The show also boasts well-written, strong female characters, an unblinking look at the damage that war has done to the young men of Britain and a career-best performance from Cork actor Cillian Murphy in the lead role.
Its Quotes Just Set the mood on High Level.
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 92%
Average Score -: 90 / 100
4.Stranger Things
In 1980s Indiana, a group of young friends witness supernatural forces and secret government exploits. As they search for answers, the children unravel a series of extraordinary mysteries.
If you haven't watched Stranger Things on Netflix yet, you really should. It's the best Netflix original so far, beating even its closest competitors handily. I think this is a show that deserves a fresh viewing with no plot points revealed
Reasons Why It's Best
-There's a terrific sense of mystery.
-The nostalgia is glorious.
-The casting keeps winning awards
-The humor and the horror.
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 93%
Average Score -: 90.5 / 100
Follow the lives of six reckless adults living in Manhattan, as they indulge in adventures which make their lives both troublesome and happening.
Good friends are loyal and accept you for who you are during the good and bad times. Good friends are also honest — honest enough to tell you when you're not being a good friend yourself. ... Mutual trust between friends is a building block of a solid friendship that could last a lifetime.
The reasons why F.R.I.E.N.D.S is the best sitcom ever: It was the first of its kind.Many sitcoms have tried to replicate the success of Friends but no show has been able to do so
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 78% -: 9.2
Average Score -: 90.5 / 100
2.Game Of Thrones
Nine noble families wage war against each other in order to gain control over the mythical land of Westeros. Meanwhile, a force is rising after millenniums and threatens the existence of living men
It’s a freak of nature that “Game of Thrones,” with its fire-breathing dragons, subzero zombies, and “Mad Max” drag is a TV colossus. A genre show, of all things, has won our game of Peak TV, along with a record 47 Emmys, including three for best drama.
A remarkable millions of viewers and miles of fanatical press for seven seasons. All levels of media have devotedly covered the show, from Vanity Fair and the New Yorker to TMZs. Even the president rode the bandwagon — to HBO’s distress — when he tweeted “Sanctions Are Coming” about Iran, borrowing the show’s typeface and defining phrase, “Winter Is Coming.”
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 90%
Average Score -:91.5 / 100
These Tv series on this list are without a doubt Famous and most rated . But the one on the first had been Known for Perfect Tv show.None other shows come near it in terms of Ratings .It's One of the old Shows but still best Show in the World. Guess!!! I think you Guessed right, It's None other than....
1.Breaking Bad
Walter White, a chemistry teacher, discovers that he has cancer and decides to get into the meth-making business to repay his medical debts. His priorities begin to change when he partners with Jesse.
Breaking Bad with 139 wins and 229 nominations is the most awarded television show ever. The show is supported by a perfect cast, who have been provided with a great depth of character to play on.One such character is Jesse Pinkman, played by Aaron Paul is Just best
Who would have thought that a middle aged Albuquerque high school chemistry teacher, Walter White, played by Bryan Cranston, would be the greatest character television has ever created? Breaking Bad is no accident, nor is the adoption of a highly successful novel; Breaking Bad is the sheer brilliance of Vince Gilligan and the stellar cast of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul.
Rotten Tomatoes Rating -: 96%
Average Score -: 95.5 / 100
If you don't agree you shoud Blame IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes for their Ratings...instead of Blaming me 😀🌝.But still Comment Which other Shows are best According to you.if you agree just tell us that we'll be happy to have your comment here.
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